Technical Information

World Class Quality, World Class Safety.

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Important Information

Choosing the right tool for the job


All Hillbrush products have been produced using specifically chosen materials and techniques to allow Hillbrush brushes and products to be multi-functional and corroborating to good product manufacturing practices at customers sites.


Some tools have been designed with specific tasks or nature of the product in mind, but the overall suitability needs to be a combination of tools and inspection of equipment/area to be cleaned. 


To ensure the longevity of the cleaning tool, minimisation of foreign body contamination and effectiveness of the cleaning process, production equipment and area should be visually checked and improved whenever possible.


EHEDG, an organisation that supports and shares the benefit of hygiene product design in manufacturing, advises that key principles are followed when manufacturing or reviewing equipment and manufacturing areas to ensure suitable cleanability.


When reviewing equipment in use, the most applicable rules are below:


  • Materials used in the construction of equipment must be resistant to chemicals used for cleaning, the harshness of products and must allow all areas of product contact (direct and indirect) to be fully cleaned.
    Surfaces must be smooth, not show corrosion, cracking or able to transfer anything to the product which would affect product quality and safety.
    Damaged surfaces can hide contamination and become more difficult to clean.
    If issues are found with surfaces of equipment, it is worth contacting the equipment manufacturer to see what can be done to improve it; replacement should be considered.
  • Edges, corners and ends: Sharp, protruding edges create areas not fully cleanable and provide hiding places for microorganisms, physical and chemical contamination.
    Another problem is the damage of cleaning tools when trying to clean sharp edges and sharp projections, potentially creating foreign body contamination.
    Internal angles should be aimed to have at least 3mm radii again to allow chemicals and cleaning tools to reach and remove dirt.
  • Drainability: After cleaning, it is important that all water and chemicals have been removed from equipment surfaces, removing contamination fully from areas of potential product contact.
  • Look for dead spaces. Dead spaces are areas that can conceal contamination in the equipment and allow transference back to the product, so inspection for these areas and plans to reduce/remove dead spaces is a must.
  • Equipment needs to be easy to clean and disinfect. Ask cleaning operators for tricky areas to clean, what issues they are experiencing and any issues with existing cleaning tools. A different tool design may provide more efficient cleaning and even shorten the time of cleaning.
    Ensure key issues are prioritised for improvement, this will pay off in the long term.


When looking at the production environment, certain areas are key to ensure cleaning can take place appropriately and are highlighted below:



  • It needs to be easy to clean and, if relevant, to disinfect. Ensure that floors are impermeable, cannot absorb contamination such as grease and can be washed. Where floors cannot be washed, alternative cleanings methods need to be agreed upon.
  • For dry cleaning of floors, ensure that the method used can remove contamination fully.
  • For wet cleaning of floors, check that the floor has gradience to naturally direct contamination and water to drains.
  • Check for physical damages caused by the use of FLT, heavy machinery, vibration caused by equipment.
  • Check for chemical damages caused by product and cleaning chemicals, and also high temperatures that may be used in cleaning and/or processing.
  • Damages on floors create areas for contamination retention and allow the survival of microorganisms so improvement is necessary to ensure cross-contamination management.
  • Check with reputable suppliers which floor finish can be used in areas for existing hazards to ensure the resistance of flooring and safe manufacturing.

Walls and ceiling

  • Walls and ceilings should also be fully cleanable, impermeable and non-absorbent and not transfer any hazardous materials to the product.
  • The finish must be smooth and ensure condensation, growth of mould and other contamination can be safely managed.
  • The joining areas between walls and floors, and walls and ceiling need to facilitate cleaning and be fully enclosed to avoid contamination hiding in there and transferring to other areas and to the product.
  • Check with reputable suppliers which finish can be used so existing hazards will not affect the integrity of walls and provide safe product manufacturing.
  • Ensure that the equipment attached is fully flushed to the wall or ceiling or has enough space behind to be cleaned.


  • Doors should also be fully cleanable, impermeable and non-absorbent and not transfer any hazardous materials to the product
  • Check doors for damages as they can hide contamination.
  • Attention should be given to points of contact, ensuring it doesn’t become points of cross-contamination.

Many other areas need to be inspected such as how cables travel within the production area, how pipework and walls/ceilings contact areas are protected from contamination.


If you are interested in learning more about these aspects, check the EHEDG website:


If you would like support in reviewing cleaning activities and advice on how this can be improved, contact us at the bottom of this page.

Compliance to Regulations

Hillbrush hygiene products have been manufactured to comply with FDA and EU Regulation 852/2004 and amended EU Regulation 1019/2008 on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs, and US Food Code Part 4-101-11. 


Hillbrush hygiene products comply with the requirements of the following European Commission Regulations:


  • Regulation (EC) No 10/2011 of 14 January 2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food
  • Directive 1935/2004/EC (Framework Regulation) relating to materials/articles intended to come into contact with food
  • Directive 2023/2006/EC relating to good manufacturing practice for materials/articles intended to come into contact with food
  • Directive 2016/1416/EC (amends Directive 10/2001/EC) relating to migration testing conditions


A functional barrier is used in antimicrobial Hillbrush tools, and the active ingredient is present on the provisional list of additives permitted to be used in plastics relating to EU Directive 10/2011. As from 1 January 2010 the list of additives in EU Directive 10/2011 relating to materials and article intended to come into contact with foodstuffs became a positive list to the exclusion of all others. Antimicrobial material or article complies with the requirements of Article 13(2), (3) and (4) or Article 14(2) and (3) of Regulation (EC) No 10/2011.

Using Hillbrush Tools

It is essential to take care of your hygiene cleaning equipment and recognise when they need replacing. Below you will find hints and tips for the best way to maintain your brushware and hygienic tools.



As part of pre-requisites programmes, cleaning activities need to be fully controlled and audited at regular intervals. Inspection of cleaning tools is part of the compliance ensuring cleaning equipment is only used if suitable and kept clean.


To keep your tools in good working order and hygienic: 

  • Clean and sanitise before use. Maximum heat tolerances for Polyester fill are 134˚C / 273˚F and for Nylon or Polypropylene fill are 100˚C or 212˚F. Note: These are not working temperatures. Please refer to each product page for more detail.
  • Check the product regularly for signs of wear or damage and replace if necessary.
  • Use the product only for its intended function. Misuse (e.g. as a hammer or lever) may render the product unfit for hygienic applications.
  • For chemical resistance data, please refer to our catalogue, or view more material properties

Cleaning your tools

  1. Remove all visible dirt and foreign objects with a stiff brush.
  2. Use a cleaning solution with a pH of 5 or less. Alternatively clean in an industrial dishwasher (82°C/180°F).
  3. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  4. If lime residue has formed on the tool it can be removed by washing in a cleaning solution with a pH of 5 or less.
  5. Disinfect after washing with an approved disinfectant. 
  6. Remove disinfectant residue by rinsing with clean water or using an industrial dishwasher (82°C/180°F).
  7. Hillbrush Hygiene products can be sterilised by autoclaving at temperatures up to 135°C/275°F.
  8. Ensure tools have sufficiently cooled before using again.
  9. Use a wall hanging system to hygienically air dry the tools.

Replace your tools when:

  1. Filaments are entangled, creating bacterial growth hotspots.
  2. Filaments are worn excessively or discoloured.
  3. Plastic moulds are scratched badly or marked.
  4. The handle is broken or bent.

Storing your brushes

  1. Store cleaning equipment away from working surfaces.
  2. Install shadow boards in partitioned work areas.
  3. Use a colour-coded hanging system to organise tools and avoid cross-contamination.

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