Cleanliness and hygiene is paramount within the educational sector where young people are involved. Ensuring that pupils are safe and healthy is the top concern and having a clean and safe learning environment is key for development success. Those that are involved with cleaning school premises need to ensure that they follow the correct procedures within the school policy.
Hygiene and sanitation regulations in schools is key to ensure that your staff are following the correct health-related policy. All educational settings need to be aware of the importance of cleanliness and hygiene for their pupils.
Ofsted , and ensuring that schools are following Section 3 of The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements Framework is essential to receive a high standard from the board.
Hillbrush offers a comprehensive range of the highest quality cleaning tools available. Our product range includes; traditional wooden cleaning products, commercial and everyday tools and the most advanced hygiene cleaning tools, using an antimicrobial agent infused within the products, preventing the growth of bacteria by up to 99.99%.